UNVANI: Uzman Dr.
UZMANLIK ALANI: Tıbbi Biyokimya
KLİNİK: Tıbbi Biyokimya Laboratuvarı
Klinik Laboratuvarcılıkta Veri Bilimi Uygulamaları, Veri analitiği, Klinik Karar ve Onay Destek Sistemleri, Laboratuvar Enformasyonu, Makine Öğrenmesi, Laboratuvar Otomasyonu, Laboratuvar Akreditasyonu, Bioistatistik, Moleküler Tanı Yöntemleri.
Lisans, İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi – İstanbul
Uzmanlık, Tıbbi Biyokimya, Vakıf Gureba Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi – İstanbul
İşletme Yüksek Lisansı, Hastane Yönetimi ve Sağlık Kurumları, Beykent Üniversitesi - İstanbul
Doktora, Moleküler Tıp, Aziz Sancar Deneysel Tıp Araştırmaları Enstitüsü – İstanbul
Advanced Summer School on "The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection", South Africa, 2008.
The Summer School on Pathogen‑Host Interplay, FEBS Advanced Lecture Course/ZIBI‑Summer School), Berlin, 2008.
AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, 2012, Los Angeles, California USA.
Ege University Continuing Education Center "TS EN ISO 15189 and Clinical Laboratories Accreditation Course", 2012.
Turkish Biochemistry Association "The Role of Statistics in Scientific Studies: Need to Know Methods & Application Areas", 2012.
Turkish Biochemistry Association "Applied Project Writing Training", 2015.
Association of Clinical Biochemistry Specialists "Rational Laboratory Codes Course", 2017.
4th EFLM‑BD European Conference on Preanalytical Phase, 2017, Amsterdam HOLLAND VIII.
IFCC and Turkish Biochemistry Association "International IFCC Flow Cytometry Course", 2018.
UBK 2018 Westgard Rules Course, TBD International Biochemistry Congress 2018.
Present References Skills courses TBD ACADEMY, Basic and Advanced Statistics Course for Laboratory Specialist, 2018.
Türk Biyokimya Derneği, “Onay ve Klinik Karar Destek Sistemleri ve Uygulama Örnekleri” Sempozyumu, ODTÜ Mezunları Derneği Vişnelik Tesisleri, 2023.
“Laboratuvar Tıbbında Veri İşlemeye Yönelik Makine Öğrenmesi Kullanımı” Kursu, Türk Biyokimya Derneği, International Biochemistry Congress 2023.
1. Turkish Journal of Clinical Laboratory, "Screening of IFAb Test in Outpatients With Low Vitamin B12 Levels and Comparison of ELISA and Fully Automated Chemiluminescence Method", 2014.
2. The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, "The assessment of the relationship between variations in the apelin gene and coronary artery disease in Turkish population", 2015.
3. Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques, "The effects of prolonged CO2 insufflation on kidney function in a rat pneumoperitoneum model", 2017.
4. Journal of Investigative Surgery, "The Effect of Sterilization Methods of Endoscopic Instruments on the Body: A Study on Rat Model", 2017.
5. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry,“Is high sensitive Troponin I effected by eGFR Rate in asymptomatic renal failure patients?”, Oral Presentation Abstracts OP-109, vol. 43, 2018.
6. Turk J of Biochemistry, IV. Turkey in vitro Diagnostic Symposia, Oral Presentation Abstracts OP-2, “Reseptor Dose of Serum Soluble Transferrin in Chronic Viral Hepatitis Patients”, vol. 44, 2019.
7. Medical Bulletin Haseki, 58 (2), "Efficacy of Presepsis as a Sepsis Biomarker and Prognostics for Prediction of Mortality Value",2020.
8. Exp Clin Transplant, “Rat Model Investigation on the Role of Biomarkers in Hepatic Ischemia- Reperfusion Injury”, 2021.
9. Marmara Medical Journal , 35 (3), “Partial healing effects of St. John’s wort oil on the rat excisional wound model”, 2022.
10. Selcuk Medical Journal, 38 (1), “Serum Irisin Levels in Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Prediabetic Patients”, 2022.
11. Journal of Genetics, Volume 102, “Role of Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Vitamin D Levels on Normal and Overweight Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2023.