NAME: Ahmet Hakyemez
TITLE: Specialist Doctor
CLINIC: Neurology Clinic, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital
- 1982-1988: Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
- 1991-1997: Bezmialem Valide Sultan Vakıf Gureba Education and Research Hospital, Neurology Clinic
- Diabetic Patient with Ophthalmic Zoster and the Occurrence of 3rd and 6th Cranial Nerve Palsy. Çelebi A, Çolakoğlu Ü S, Hakyemez A. Bezmialem Valide Sultan Vakıf Gureba Hospital Journal 1991; 18: 135-137
- Cardiac Thrombus Detection by Echocardiography in Patients with Embolic Origin Cerebrovascular Disease. Erdem H, Hakyemez A, Yüce R, Erhan N, Çelebi A, Aydın R, Ünal M, Topsever S, Laçin A. Vakıf Gureba Hospital Medical Journal 1994; 19(1): 45-47
- Sneddon Syndrome: A Case Report. Selekler M, Hakyemez A, Çelebi A. Vakıf Gureba Hospital Medical Journal 1996; 21: 477-479
- Vertical Eye Movements in a Patient with Pontine Hematoma. Selekler M, Hakyemez A, Toğrol R E, Saraçoğlu M, Çelebi A. Turkish Journal of Neurology 1998; 4(3-4): 155-157
- Case Report: Mesencephalic Extension of Bilateral Thalamic Infarction. Selekler M, Hakyemez A, Toğrol E, Saraçoğlu M, Çelebi A. Clinical Psychopharmacology Bulletin 1999; 9(1): 57-59
- Psychosomatic Study in Patients with Vertigo. Kayhan F T, Öztürk M, Öneş K Ç, Hakyemez A, İşsever H, Gedikli O, Özkul H, Sarıkahya İ. Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal 1999; 1(1): 44-47
- Dopa-Responsive Dystonia: A Case Report. Gürsoy E, Hakyemez A, Güneri A, Çelebi A. Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Journal 2004; 7(1): 29-33
- Bilateral Thalamic Infarction and Hypersomnia. Kaya S, Vardar N, Hakyemez A, Çelebi A. SSK Vakıf Gureba Educational Hospital Journal 2004; 2(1): 36-38
- Botulinum Toxin Treatment in Hemifacial Spasm, Blepharospasm, and Meige Syndrome. Gürsoy E, Hakyemez A, Güneri A, Arslan E, Kaya S, Çelebi A. SSK Vakıf Gureba Educational Hospital Journal 2004; 2(2): 67-70
- Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome and the Importance of Diffusion-Weighted MRI Imaging (Case Report). Güneri A, Arslan E, Hakyemez A, Gürsoy E, Çelebi A. Hippocrates Journal 2004; 13(11): 407-409
- Infrainfarct Hematoma. Arslan E, Güneri A, Hakyemez A, Gürsoy E, Çelebi A. Hippocrates Journal 2004; 13(11): 410-412
- Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy with Cranial Nerve Involvement and Respiratory Dysfunction: A Case Report. Gürsoy E, Hakyemez A, Arslan E, Vardar N, Güveli B, Atasoy B, Çelebi A. Vakıf Gureba Education and Research Hospital Journal 2005; 3(3): 150-154
- Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia-Induced Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Myeloneuropathy. Gürsoy E, Hakyemez A, Kolukısa M, Vardar N, Atasoy B, Çelebi A. Turkish Neurology Journal 2005; 11(4): 402-406
- Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism and Intracranial Calcifications. Kaya S, Güveli B, Vardar N, Kolukısa M, Hakyemez A, Çelebi A. Vakıf Gureba Education and Research Hospital Journal 2006; 4(1): 31-33
- Isolated Axillary Nerve Involvement: A Case Report. Güveli BT, Aysal F, Gürsoy AE, Kolukısa M, Aşkın S, Hakyemez A, Çelebi A. Düşünen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 2013; 26: 211-214
- A Rare Condition Mimicking Stroke: Diabetic Uremic Encephalopathy. Tekesin A, Erdal Y, Mahmutoglu AS, Hakyemez A, Emre U. Ideggyogy Sz 2018; 71(9–10): 358-360