




MEDICAL INTERESTS AND EXPERTISE: Rheumatology, Neurological Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Osteoporosis, Lymphedema.


A. Articles Published in International Journals

  1. Bulut GT, Caglar NS, Aytekin E, Ozgonenel L, Tutun S, Demir SE. Comparison of static wrist splint with static wrist and metacarpophalangeal splint in carpal tunnel syndrome. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2015;28(4):761-7. doi: 10.3233/BMR-140580.
  2. Erhan B, Gumussu K, Kara B, Bulut GT, Yalçınkaya EY. The frequency of neuropathic pain in Turkish patients with low back pain: a cross-sectional study. Acta Neurol Belg. 2020 Feb 12. doi: 10.1007/s13760-020-01285-7.

B. Articles Published in National Journals:

  1. Firuzan Altın, Gül Tuğba Örnek, Levent Özgönenel, Ayfer Kamberoğlu. Evaluation of Osteoporosis Status in Patients with Hip Fracture. Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2007;13:11-4.
  2. L. Özgönenel, E. Aytekin, G. Kavadar, G.T. Örnek, Ş. Günaydın, Ö. Suyabatmaz, D. Saylık, Ş. Tolga. "Comparison of Different Hyaluronates." Istanbul Tıp Dergisi (2008);1:53-57.
  3. Ö. Burnaz, E. Aytekin, N. Çağlar, Ş. Tütün, GT Örnek, G. Kavadar. "The Relationship Between Laboratory and Radiological Findings, Disease Activity, and Functional Status in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis." Istanbul Tıp Dergisi (2008);1:64-66.
  4. Özer Burnaz, Esra Çetin, Levent Özgönenel, Gül Tuğba Örnek, Nil Çağlar Sayıner. Osteopoikilosis: A Case Report. Istanbul Tıp Dergisi 2008:3;150-152.
  5. Levent Özgönenel, Gül Tuğba Örnek, Oya Şener Özdoğan, Nil Çağlar Sayıner, Orhan Yağız. The Relationship Between Uric Acid Levels and Neurological Deficit After Stroke in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Istanbul Tıp Dergisi 2008:3;116-118.
  6. Gül Tuğba Örnek, Şule Tütün, Levent Özgönenel, Esra Çetin. Paget's Disease of Bone: A Case Report. Istanbul Med J 2009; 10: 94-96.
  7. Gül Tuğba Örnek, Levent Özgönenel, Nil Çağlar, Şule Tütün. Demographic Data, Risk Factors, and Treatment Outcomes of Our Patients Followed with Stroke Diagnosis. Istanbul Med J 2008; 9: 161-164.
  8. Levent Özgönenel, Ebru Aytekin, Gülis Durmuşoğlu, Gül Tuğba Örnek, Şafak Günaydın, Özgür Suyabatmaz, Derya Saylık, Şeyma Tolga. Investigation of the Clinical Efficacy of Two HA Preparations with Different Molecular Weights in the Treatment of Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis. Istanbul Med J 2009; 10: 61-65.
  9. Esra Çetin, Nil Çağlar, Gül Tuğba Örnek, Levent Özgönenel, Özer Burnaz, Şule Tütün, Nilgün Toker, Türkan Akin, Ahmet Bal. Demographic Data, Clinical Features, and Medical Treatment of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Istanbul Med J 2010;11(4):154-158.
  10. N.S Çağlar, Ö. Burnaz, T. Akin, L. Özgönenel, E. Çetin, E. Aytekin, G.T. Örnek, Ş. Tütün, O. Şener. "Demographic Data, Clinical Features, and Medical Treatments of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis." Istanbul Med J (2011);12(1):19-24.
  11. N.S. Çağlar, G.T. Örnek, T. Akin, E. Aytekin, Ş. Tolga, G. Kavadar, Ş. Tütün. "Musculoskeletal Disorders Seen in Our Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus." Istanbul Med J (2014);15:50-3.
  12. Nurlu N, Bulut GT. A New Approach to Lymphedema Following Breast Cancer Treatment with Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Markers. J Health Sci Med 2021;4(3):322-328.