She was born in Ankara in 1972. She completed his primary education in Ankara and secondary and high school education in Isparta. She completed Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine between 1990 -1996 years. After working as a general practitioner in Güngören Tuberculosis Dispensary between 1997-2004 years, she started her specialization in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Clinic S.B.U. Istanbul Training and Research Hospital in August 2004. In 2011, she was appointed to the state duty in Erzurum Horasan State Hospital. After completing her duty at S.B.U Istanbul Kanuni Training and Research Hospital, she worked as a specialist physician at S.B.U Istanbul Training and Research Hospital since April 2013. She has been working as an assistant chief physician at S.B.U Istanbul Training and Research Hospital since 2021.